About us

Dream Up is a company that helps brands and companies create, develop, connect and represent themselves in the digital world or in the business world in general.

We are a consultancy firm that works to meet the needs and interests of each client. We detect their weaknesses and turn them into added value, achieving more sales, a better image or international recognition depending on the objectives our clients set of us.

Focused on the mid-market, high-end and luxury sectors, we present solutions through the different brands that the group owns, which are individually dedicated to different areas and which together result in a perfect synergy and fusion, with all the services needed to carry out the project centralized in us, so that the client doesn't have to work with freelancers, other companies or professionals.

We work with an outsourcing service in the client's company, taking on all the challenges, seeking to offer lightness and freedom so that the client can devote themselves to their activities.


Dedicated to the development of websites, apps and software.

Specialising in audiovisual and 3D.

Representation and outsourcing.

We realise that our journey will be long and challenging, but we are extremely excited about what the future holds.

We want to go global…

let's fly

let's fly

let's fly


